
Juan Pablo Di Pietro
CEO / Co-Founder
Juan Pablo blends a unique set of management, finance, and technology skills with extensive experience in international telecommunications companies. Nowadays, he develops disruptive technology-based solutions for several industries and applications.

Leandro Harillo
CTO / Co-Founder
Leandro creates products and technology-based companies in several areas for more than 20 years. Passionate about transforming activities through technological innovation.
"Our goal is to become a global technology leader with a solid presence in relevant industries and markets."
Leandro Harillo, CTO / Co-Founder.

Binit's Culture
Our culture is what makes us unique.
At BINIT, we are committed to the following VALUES:
COLLABORATION DIVERSITY and HUMANITY: we value every aspect of the employee´s lives: professional and personal aspirations.
INCLUSION: we respect all identities, genders, ethnicities, nationalities, beliefs, religions, positions, policies, and opinions.
EQUALITY: of conditions for everyone ensuring that they have the same opportunities for development.
RESPECT and TRUST: these are essentials in our ADN.